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Distortion Queen  ‡  Local Edgelord  ‡  INTJ  ‡  Celebritarian  ‡  Multiversial Overlord

Welcome to my vat of propaganda. Hope you like red.

I can't describe myself for the life of me so here's things I like. Discern your own meanings.

Peter's Laws

Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive

  1. If anything can go wrong, Fix It!!… to hell with Murphy!

  2. When given a choice…  take both!!

  3. Multiple projects lead to multiple successes.

  4. Start at the top then work your way up.

  5. Do it by the book … but be the author!

  6. When forced to compromise, ask for more.

  7. If it’s worth doing, it’s got to be done right now.

  8. If you can’t win, change the rules.

  9. If you can’t change the rules, then ignore them.

  10. Perfection is not optional.

  11. When faced without a challenge, make one.

  12. “No” simply means begin again at one level higher.

  13. Don’t walk when you can run.

  14. Bureaucracy is a challenge to be conquered with a righteous attitude, a tolerance for stupidity, and a bulldozer when necessary.

  15. When in doubt: THINK!

  16. Patience is a virtue, but persistence to the point of success is a blessing.

  17. The squeaky wheel gets replaced.

  18. The faster you move, the slower time passes, the longer you live.

  19. The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself!

  20. The ratio of something to nothing is infinite.

  21. You get what you incentivize.

  22. If you think it is impossible, then it is… for you.

  23. An expert is someone who can tell you exactly how it can’t be done.

  24. The day before something is a breakthrough it’s a crazy idea.

  25. If it were easy it would have been done already.

  26. Without a target you’ll miss it every time.

  27. Bullshit walks, hardware talks.

  28. A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.

  29. The world’s most precious resource is the passionate and committed human mind.

  30. Fail early, fail often!

  31. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.


"All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from."

-Marilyn Manson, head of the Celebretarian Corporation


"You know what's hard about being the smartest person in the world? Everyone else is stupid."

- Dr. Robotnik, Sonic the Hedgehog (movie)


"Tell me what you regard as your Greatest Strength,

so I will know how to undermine you;

Tell me of your Greatest Fear,

so I will know which I must force you to face;

Tell me what you Cherish most,

so I will know what to take from you;

And tell me what you Crave,

so that I must deny you."

-Darth Plagueis


"In my path, you'll fear me either way, so the truth won't set you free."

-"Through the Fire" by Crush 40


"Let's begin your bad dream,

and play that awesome fight theme!"

-YouTube user Brian McGuire on Giratina Battle Remix


"Through counterintelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential troublemakers and neutralize them."

-"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine


"I hear every door you open,

And I know just where you're going.

You're failing again and again.

My ruler's locked and loaded,

With my ulterior motives.

Think you can make it to the weekend?

Better get out while you can!"

-"Every Door" by CG5


"That choice, although futile, I believe was the right one.

Nothing remains now,


for our,


-The Judge

"It's better this way.

Escaping from,

your purpose,



-The Batter



"It's him,"

"The anomaly,"

"Do we proceed?"


"He's still,"

"Only human."

-Three Smiths, The Matrix Reloaded


"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands."

-Douglas Adams


"In the Soviet army, it takes more courage to retreat than to advance."

-Take a guess (it was Stalin)


"A strong attack eliminates the need for defense."

-Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film)


"What's the bogeyman?"

"As a matter of fact, it was."



"The demogorgan is tired of your silly human bickering."

-Mike, Stranger Things


"It's time to give up childish things."

-Rex Dangervest, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part


"The purpose of life is to end."

-Smith, The Matrix Revolutions


"I wouldn't say anything, I'd listen to what [the survives of Columbine] had to say, and that's what no one did."

-Marilyn Manson


"Leave me in a room with some crayons and I'll draw on the wall."

-Marilyn Manson



-Believe it or not I've actually never witnessed Manson say this. This was Ocelot


"Super is but a strong word; maybe even a weapon is a tad overdoing it. We do, however, have a lovely view of the ocean at sunset."

-Lawrence, R&C3


"Be true to yourself,

don't miss your chance;

And you won't end up like the fool who ripped his pants."

-SpongeBob, "Ripped Pants"


"Fire Works"

-Marilyn Manson


"I had an existential crisis while making a sandwich"



"When the dark threatens the light,

there is always a choice.

A hydra,

or a basilisk,

there is always a choice.

The universe loves all

and all

are given

a choice."

-Gyaryith's Story

"Do. Or do not. There is no try."

-Yoda, TESB


Wings of Fire Dragons



Future/Takeover AU

Survived the events of The Dark Secret and set out to regain what she lost: power and influence.



Red Army Airforce

The long lost animus prince of the SandWings, adopted by Battlewinner and in a rivalry over Myth's heart.



Demigod of Justice

Makes right the wrongs committed by Cypher.



Demigod of Chaos

Makes wrong the rights committed by Scar.



Omega Group

Nine demigods, one for each cardinal sin, sent into universes to enforce their sins.



Left Brain of Entoz'ia

One of the two personalities of the wolf known as Entoz'ia known for her logic and leadership.



Lupe Maxia

Partners in crime with Omega Antediluvian Vitriol. A sharp, confident, and divergent trickster.

I might not know what to put here right now but it won't stay blank forever


Xqulo zh phhw djdlq.

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